Preparing Your Presentation

Organize Your Material
Organize your evidence in a logical way – a binder, with tabs, is an easy way to assemble your material. Make sure that any photocopies you are including are clear and readable. Sometimes things like photographs are much more effective in colour. Find out how many copies you must submit to the tribunal.
The key to making an effective presentation to the adjudicator, whether it is in writing, by telephone or videoconference, or in person, is to organize your documents and present the information in a logical manner to the adjudicator hearing your case. For example, think about organizing your documents in a binder, with tab markers. Is the material best organized in chronological order, or by topic?
Your general approach should be:
- Tell the adjudicator the facts they need to know about your case.
- Present the facts in a clear and simple manner.
- Provide material to support your case.
- Explain how the law supports your case.
Learn More
Guide to Getting Ready for a Hearing, BC Human Rights Tribunal
Learn about the Law
The law is set out in statutes, regulations, and case law. You will certainly benefit from talking to a lawyer about the law that applies to your case. A lawyer can explain the law to you and help you understand how an adjudicator would apply the law to the facts of your case.
Case law is the collection of cases similar to yours that have been heard by the tribunal in the past. The adjudicator will decide your case, in part, according to decisions made by other adjudicators in cases that are similar to yours.
Get Help
The staff at Courthouse Libraries cannot give you legal advice, but they can help you identify and show you how to use the legal resources that apply to your case. Visit their website to get help to make your legal argument, or call toll free: 1-800-665-2570.
Watch a Hearing
If you will be appearing before an adjudicator in person, the best advice is to go and watch a hearing. Check with the tribunal to find out if hearings are open to the public and when they are scheduled. Attending a hearing will help you understand how hearings are conducted and help you prepare for your own hearing.